OVCI actions are inspired by Beato Luigi Monza, based on OPENNES and FAITH towards cultures around the world, with a non-denominational approach.
It works to develop local operators skills- supporting the population - focusing in partiular on rehabilitation field.
Beato Luigi Monza stated that "good must be done well" and according to a motivation of social solidarity; a "human solidarity - because the field in which it is carried out is human - but what contains in its root is divine command", to promote professionalism and training of local operators because "what matters to us are people, every human, every group of people, up to understand the whole of humanity".
According to this style, the volunteer adheres to a project in the countries where OVCI operates in order to share experiences, which means to have something to give and to receive, avoiding situations in which the progress of one represents an obstacle to the development of others.
The Mission of the Organisation is to protect the dignity and improve life quality –thanks to specific activities of rehabilitation, primary health care, social inclusion and training – of people with disabilities, especially during developmental age and to promote the professional development of local operators.
The Association La Nostra Famiglia is an organization recognized by D.P.R. 765 of 19 June 1958, which carries out ONLUS activities of health care, social-health, education and training aimed in particular to help disabled and disadvantaged people.
AMICI GROUP of Don Luigi Monza is a free Association that, sharing the spirit with which La Nostra Famiglia works, intends to deepen and live – in any condition of life – the spirituality of the Blessed Servant of God Don Luigi Monza.