LOCATION: Jiangsu Province, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan Province
PERIOD: from 2018
LOCAL COUNTERPART: Chinese National Federation of Persons with Disabilities
GOAL: To improve the quality of life of people with disabilities through the sharing and dissemination of the global approach to rehabilitation - which sees the person with disabilities as a whole - to achieve a real social inclusion of people with disabilities.
- Three Rehabilitation Centres: Nanjing Centre in Jiangsu Province, Xinganmeng Centre in Inner Mongolia and Chengdu Centre in Sichuan Province
- the personnel employed in the three Centres
- people with disabilities followed by the three Centres
- Organization of an initial training session in Beijing that lasted 3 days involving 25 realities from 9 provinces on the holistic model proposed by OVCI
- Identification of three Rehabilitation Centres to be involved in the project
- Periodic visit to the three centres identified, carrying out two annual visits lasting 2-3 days in each Centre
- Creation of training programs for in-depth study of the holistic model both in presence in Beijing and with online links for distance learning
- Remote consultancy on specific requests
- Organization of an annual conference in Beijing with the participation of the representatives of each of the three Centres and open to local authorities
self-financed activity